
Please help support Spirits Alive and the Eastern Cemetery!

If you'd like to become a sponsor, contact Janet Alexander at 797-7413 or 445ray@gmail.com. A big thank you to our current very generous sponsors!

Why You Should Like Us

For over 10 years, Spirits Alive (an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit) has been dedicated to restoring and preserving Eastern Cemetery while educating the public on its value as part of the city of Portland's historic fabric. Spirits Alive, a group of dedicated volunteers:

Bethiah Newman slate headstone

Our Most Recent Accomplishments

Spirits Alive:

Marble monument in Eastern Cemetery

Levels of Giving

Spirits Alive offers 3—Slate, Marble and Granite—sponsorship levels for cash or in-kind donations. Our advertising year runs from April 1 to March 31 each year.

Granite Alden monument in Eastern Cemetery

Slate Level

Marble Level

Granite Level

If you'd like to become a sponsor, contact Janet Alexander at 797-7413 or 445ray@gmail.com.